"There is something so amiable in the prejudices of a young mind, that one is sorry to see them give way to the reception of more general opinions." -Jane Austen

April 2, 2010

Asphyxiation by... bridesmaid dress?

I almost died yesterday.

Ok, perhaps that's a wee bit dramatic, but at the time, I literally was afraid that I would slip into unconsciousness before someone would save me.

Yesterday at around 5pm, my apartment was a sweltering 85 degrees. My a/c had broken (again!) and I came in from work to find myself in a sauna. Sitting on the door step was a box I had been waiting for all week and so I rushed in, tore open the box, and pulled out my bridesmaid dress. For some unfathomable reason, I decided I needed to try it on right then.

As anyone who has ever been in a wedding knows, there is always quite a bit of drama regarding bridesmaid dresses. Often, you don't get to try it on beforehand and there is quite a concern about whether said gown will fit once it finally comes in. This particular dress was even more dramatic for me, as I had no time to be measured for it prior to ordering. My very oldest friend, Katie, has a rather short engagement and so I had exactly 2 hours to order my dress from the day I was asked to be in the wedding until the order had to be filled. So, I guessed on a size.

As I was preparing to dive into the dress, I realized that the zipper stuck some and would likely be difficult to zip up on my own. In a moment of sheer brilliance, I decided that, rather than stepping into the dress and trying to zip it, I would leave it zipped and tug it over my head. Perfect plan... until the layer of boning got caught around my chest as I was tugging it on. I pulled and pulled, but to no avail. The dress would not budge. I couldnt pull it back over my head and I couldnt pull it down into place. Instead, I had a very snug-fitting layer of boning cutting off my ability to breathe. And remember that pesky zipper? Yep, completely stuck.

I began to panic! I wasn't breathing. I was sweating (did I mention that the dress has about 5 layers of floor-length chifon?). No matter how hard I tugged or twisted, I was quite literally stuck. As the room started to tilt from my lack of breathing, I crumpled to the floor. Ah! As I lay flat on my back, I realized there was just enough room to take very shallow breaths. Oxygen!

What was I going to do? My neighbors werent home (and that would have been an embarrassing introduction, since I have never talked to them before). I couldn't cut myself out of the dress. I was going to die in my apartment... from a bridesmaid dress.

The oxygen must have started restoring my rational side, because I suddenly realized... I have friends! I struggled to my feet again, feeling the agonizing loss of breath as I got vertical, and hurried for my phone. Once again on the ground, in a heap of chifon and sweat and panic, I called my friend, Lauren. No answer. Recall. No answer. Recall. No answer (LAUREN, WHERE ARE YOU WHEN I AM DYING?!). Recall.

After 5 or so attempts, she answered! In a breathy panic, I explain the situation and she rushes to my apartment to save me! After a few agonizing minutes, Lauren appears and manages to fight the zipper, freeing me to breathe again! Ah, sweet oxygen!

Being a bridesmaid is a dangerous job.


Anonymous said...

Wow as many weddings as you've been in you'd think you would've smarter about that. I'm glad you survived! Shesh!

Lauren L.

Mama C. said...

That is too funny! You are a great writer--your Wednesday Words and this--I'm a fan!

Lauren said...

Bridesmaiding is definitely a dangerous occupation! I'm glad I could rescue you from your near-death experience. (Also, who is this other Lauren L?)

amanda said...

LOL- Lauren Lengyel is a lovely friend of mine from college! You arent the only Lauren L. I know :) In fact, I have 4 facebook friends that are all Lauren Ls.

Lara Ivey said...

You are, however, the ONLY Lauren L. that came to her rescue!